@article{oai:fukuoka-edu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001116, author = {小泉, 令三 and KOIZUMI, Reizo}, journal = {福岡教育大学紀要. 第四分冊, 教職科編, Bulletin of Fukuoka University of Education. Part IV, Education and psychology}, month = {Feb}, note = {A new scale to measure perceived school-community partnership was constructed and its validity and reliabolity was confirmed. A total of 339 people who live mainly in towns and cities in Kyushu area responded to the scale. Elementary school was evaluated higher than junior high school in their cooperation with the communities. Residents with their own needs and intrinsic motivation were suggested to show higher evaluation scores. These results were discussed in terms of the school's role in and contribution to its community.}, pages = {201--208}, title = {学校・地域連携評定尺度の開発と地域住民による評定}, volume = {49}, year = {2000}, yomi = {コイズミ, レイゾウ} }