@article{oai:fukuoka-edu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001155, author = {中村, 俊哉 and 倉元, 直樹 and 中島, 義実}, journal = {福岡教育大学紀要. 第四分冊, 教職科編 = Bulletin of Fukuoka University of Education. Part IV, Education and psychology}, month = {2004-02-10, 2020-09-28}, note = {application/pdf, In East and South Asia, there are some cultural and religious traditions concerning reincarnation and ancestor's spirits. In Japan there is the Obon festival in which Japanese invite their ancestor's spirits and greet them. However, there seems to have been a cultural and psychological change recently in these countries. We attempted to make scales based on Dialogue with Ancestors, Reincarnation, Daily shamanism etc. to find out the relations between some scales concerning ones outlook on death and psychological state., 福岡教育大学紀要. 第四分冊, 教職科編, Bulletin of Fukuoka University of Education. Part IV, Education and psychology}, pages = {265--280}, title = {死生観国際比較のための尺度作成について : 日本における祖先対話, 輪廻, 日常的シャーマニズム}, volume = {53}, year = {} }