@article{oai:fukuoka-edu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001606, author = {藤原, 陽子 and FUJIWARA, Yoko and 鈴木, 佐代 and SUZUKI, Sayo and 岡, 俊江 and OKA, Toshie and 豊増, 美喜 and TOYOMASU, Miki}, issue = {61}, journal = {福岡教育大学紀要. 第五分冊, 芸術・保健体育・家政科編, Bulletin of Fukuoka University of Education. Part 5, Art, Health and Physical Education and Home Economics}, month = {Feb}, note = {The purpose of this study is considering about the quality improvement of the living environment of children and staffs in clubs for after school activities for children. In previous report, we clarified the existence of sound problems from the questionnaire. In this paper we discuss about the comfortable indoor environment in clubs from a viewpoint of sounds environ ment. We observed the living activities of children's and staff's, and measured LAai, 5min in activity rooms of club "H" and club "I" in Kitakyushu city. From the results, when sounds level were not less than 85 dB, the voices of children and staffs were observed both at club "H" and club "I". Also, the sounds of toys were observed at club "I". Moreover, children's various activities were intermingled at the activity rooms of both clubs. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the relation of children's play and sounds environment, and to consider the constructing plans which can respond to children's various actions.}, pages = {161--167}, title = {放課後児童クラブの生活環境整備に関する研究 その3 放課後児童クラブの活動室における生活行動と室内発生音}, year = {2012}, yomi = {フジワラ, ヨウコ and スズキ, サヨ and オカ, トシエ and トヨマス, ミキ} }