@article{oai:fukuoka-edu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001676, author = {片平, 誠人 and KATAHIRA, Masato and 田中, 彩夏 and TANAKA, Ayaka}, issue = {65}, journal = {福岡教育大学紀要. 第五分冊, 芸術・保健体育・家政科編, Bulletin of University of Teacher Education Fukuoka. Part V, Art, health and physical education and home economics}, month = {Feb}, note = {This study elucidated the way differences in time allocation and number of cycles of hot and cold water in contrast bath influence the recovery process for grip strength that has decreased due to fatigue from grasping exercises. The subjects of the study were eight female university students. The water temperatures for the contrast bath were set at 42°C for hot water and 5°C for cold water. The time allocation and number of cycles were as follows: Group A combined intervals of 1 minute in hot water and 30 seconds in cold water for ten sets; Group B combined intervals of 4 minutes in hot water and 1 minute in cold water for three sets; Group C combined an interval of 10 minutes in hot water and 1 minute in cold water for one set. Upon completion, a comparison was conducted of the changes in grip strength and muscle stiffness between each of these groups and in a control group that did not undergo contrast bath. Compared to that in the control group, significant recovery of grip strength was observed in Groups A and B. Further, compared to that in the control group, a significant reduction in muscle hardness was observed in Groups B and C. It is possible to surmise that the reduction in muscle strength was a factor in recovery of grip strength in Group B. These results indicate that contrast bath under the conditions imposed forGroup B is effective in recovering grip strength lost due to fatigue.}, pages = {97--102}, title = {交代浴における時間配分・交代回数の違いが握力に及ぼす影響}, year = {2016}, yomi = {カタヒラ, マサト and タナカ, アヤカ} }