@article{oai:fukuoka-edu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000894, author = {松崎, 昌之 and MATSUZAKI, Masayuki}, journal = {福岡教育大学紀要. 第三分冊, 数学・理科・技術科編, Bulletin of Fukuoka University of Education. Part III, Mathematics, natural sciences and technology}, month = {Feb}, note = {We study the medium polarization effect of the pion exchange interaction on pairing correlation in symmetric nuclear matter in the relativistic mean field model. We first examine various types of pion polarization functions. Then their effect on the superfluid energy gap is evaluated., 相対論的平均場模型を用いて,対称核物質中の対相関へのパイ中間子交換力の媒質偏極効果を調べる。まず種々のタイプの偏極関数を調べた上で,それらの超流動エネルギーギャップへの効果を評価する。}, pages = {15--24}, title = {相対論的平均場模型による核物質中の対相関へのパイ中間子交換力の偏極効果}, volume = {57}, year = {2008}, yomi = {マツザキ, マサユキ} }