@article{oai:fukuoka-edu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000945, author = {上野, 禎一 and UENO, Teiichi and 福森, 崇文 and FUKUMORI, Takafumi and 狩谷, 明子 and KARIYA, Akiko and 今井, 茉理奈 and 舛岡, 悠 and 福永, いくみ and 金子, 恭子 and 長澤, 五十六}, journal = {福岡教育大学紀要. 第三分冊, 数学・理科・技術科編, Bulletin of Fukuoka University of Education. Part III, Mathematics, natural sciences and technology}, month = {Feb}, note = {Syntheses of Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet (YAG) were performed by flux method using Pt-crucible and electric furnace. The principal ingredients are Y2O3 and Al2O3, and the coloring reagent is Cr2O3 for some kinds of colors. The fluxes are PbO and PbF2. The mole ratio of Y2O3 : Al2O3 is 3 : 5, which is the composition of YAG. For the total weight of the principal ingredients, the weight % of Cr2O3 were varied between 1.26 and 46.2, and for the total weight of the principal ingredients and the coloring reagent, the total weight of fluxes were varied between 5.9 and 10.9 times. The maximum heating temperature was 1,100 ℃ and heating time was 192 hours. In all runs, beautiful polyhedron single crystals and crystal aggregates were obtained. As increasing of the contents of Cr2O3, the crystal color of YAG has changed as follows; light pink→deep pink→red→deep red→light green→green→light brown→brown. The crystal faces occurred are d{110}, n{211}, and s{321}. So, the principal crystal forms obtained in this study are dodecahedron, trapezohedron, combinations of these, and combinations of dodecahedron and hexoctahedron.}, pages = {109--126}, title = {フラックス法によるYAG の合成と結晶学}, volume = {63}, year = {2014}, yomi = {ウエノ, テイイチ and フクモリ, タカフミ and カリヤ, アキコ} }